How Relationships Affect Adolescents Drinking

Our lives are a network of relationships which are central to our mental and emotional health and wellbeing. The more closely we are attached to those we love, the happier we will be and the more personal fulfilment we will…

Education Matters: Looking after young people’s wellbeing

The arrival of Covid-19 has brought about new pressures and stresses and especially so for young people. More than ever, young people need to be supported and encouraged to cope with challenges and develop the skills and resources which promote…

Research Focus: Families, Alcohol and Covid-19

Increase in household tension, managing anxiety alongside new rules, and the need to ‘cheer up’, all describe Irish households during the first Covid lockdown, as described in our research Barometer (Behaviour & Attitudes 2020) conducted in April and May of…

CEO Comments: The Power and Importance of Empathy in Public Health

When we talk about empathy, we typically discuss it as a cognitive process, an ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and think what they think. But this is only one aspect of empathy. Then there is the all-important compassionate element…

Education Matters: Fathers and Role Modelling Around Alcohol

As a father, you are your child’s role model, shaping his/her view of the world and right and wrong. Observing your relationship with alcohol is part of your role modelling. What is your behaviour as a father teaching your child…


In the current climate we are awash with advice and opinions on how we “should” behave.  And we are very conscious of the impact of our behaviour on, not just our own individual lives, but also on our community’s wellbeing…