Breast cancer is something that can affect us all. It is the third most diagnosed form of cancer in Ireland overall, and the second most diagnosed cancer for women. We are spending this Breast Cancer Awareness Month raising awareness about the HSE…
Category: Blog
Why talking to your teen about alcohol matters!
Why does talking to your teen about alcohol matter? Research confirms the role of the family and parents as the most important influence on children’s expectations, attitudes, and up to a certain age, behaviours relating to alcohol use.1 Even at an early age,…
Interview with John O’Mahony from Behaviour & Attitudes
It was great to speak with John O’ Mahony, Director in Behaviours and Attitudes, following his keynote presentation in Drinkaware’s Summer 2021 research briefing that took place on Wednesday 14th July: “A year on – Drinking behaviours and attitudes in Ireland in the context…
Why Junior Cycle School Alcohol Education matters!
Why does Junior Cycle School Alcohol Education matter? The Department of Education sees its mission as, “To facilitate children and young people, through learning, to achieve their full potential and contribute to Ireland’s social, economic and cultural development.”1 Underage drinking acts as…
Guest Blog: Bernardine Ryan shares her experience delivering the Junior Cycle Alcohol Education Programme
After completing the three-year alcohol education programme in Our Lady’s College, there is a noticeable difference in attitude to alcohol and underage drinking. The facts and figures relating to misuse among teenagers were frightening and sobering, to say the least. The information and resources led to a more…
Guest Blog: Kate Gunn. Parenting as a “normal” drinker
I was a normal drinker. A social drinker. A mid-lane drinker. A grey area drinker. Which is to say I drank like most people in Ireland. I never drank to worrying levels and I never hit rock bottom. When my three children…
Behaviours and attitudes towards alcohol in Ireland in the context of COVID-19. Insights into the process of development and design for Barometer 2021.
In May 2021, B&A undertook the latest in a series of national- population based surveys on adult drinking behaviours and attitudes towards alcohol in Ireland. Our Barometer series commenced pre-COVID in 2017 and allows for exploration of drinking practices over time and how they relate to other practices within…
Parenting Teens-A Call to Action
3 minute read. The impact of your relationship with your teen/child lasts a lifetime. The quality of your relationship and connection with your teen is important to their development and the decisions they make. A warm, loving relationship and being…
The crucial role of parents in shaping their children’s attitudes to and use of alcohol
4 minute read. A recurring theme identified in the story of the Maynooth Evaluation of the JC-AEP (and not necessarily something that the research team set out to examine), is that of parents’ and guardians’ role in underage drinking in Ireland. There is a potential role for…