Drinkaware, the independent national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse in Ireland, will be at the National Ploughing Championships next week with information on alcohol and its impact on mental health. Visits to www.Drinkaware.ie’s alcohol and mental health…
Category: News
Sold out: Public Webinar – Mental Health & Mindful Drinking
Tickets are now sold out. Please keep an eye on the Drinkaware website for updates on future webinars. What does it mean to be sober-curious? How do you practice mindful drinking? How can this benefit your mental health? You may…
Spikes in public demand for information on drink driving throughout the August bank holiday weekend
Visits to www.Drinkaware.ie’s drink driving webpage saw a *104% increase throughout the August Bank Holiday weekend with a 39% increase in uses of the Drinkaware drinks calculator tool. The increase reflects the clear and growing desire from the Irish public…
Lessons on ‘consent’ are a valuable addition to RSE and alcohol education for Junior Cycle students
Drinkaware welcomes the announcement of the planned updates to the RSE curriculum, which will include lessons on consent and gender stereotyping. Since its inception Drinkaware’s work in education has focused on a student-led approach, dealing with issues that students feel…
National Framework for children and young people’s participation in decision making.
As the national independent charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse and delay the age of first drink, Drinkaware welcomes the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth’s recently launched National Framework for children and young people’s participation in…
CEO Comments: Alcohol Has No Place in Childhood
CEO Comments As the national charity working to prevent underage drinking Drinkaware firmly believes that alcohol has no place in childhood. The legal age for drinking is 18 years, but the average age of first drink is 15.5 years (Drinkaware…
Drinkaware’s response to the public consultation on the Healthy Ireland Men Action Plan 2017-2021
Drinkaware welcomed the opportunity to respond to the public consultation on the Healthy Ireland Men Action Plan (HI-M) 2017-2021). According to the 2021 Drinkaware Barometer, men are more than twice as likely to engage in binge drinking alcohol than women,…
Alcohol Education Matters – Junior Cycle alcohol education programme includes new lessons on coping & influences
Drinkaware, the national charity working to reduce alcohol misuse and delay the age of first drink has added two new module themes to the Junior Cycle Alcohol Education programme. The Drinkaware Junior Cycle Alcohol Education Programme (JC AEP), in line…
The cost of Covid: Low mental wellbeing and drinking to cope prevail.
Newly published research on Covid-19’s impact on alcohol behaviour and attitudes. “A year on – Irish adults’ behaviour and attitudes towards alcohol in the context of Covid-19“, explores for the first time, the impact of Covid-19 on Irish adults’ behaviour…