Reduce your risk, reduce your drinking

Ahead of World Cancer Day on February 4th Drinkaware is urging the public to be aware of the link between alcohol and the risk of developing certain cancers, and how changes to drinking habits can help reduce that risk. Last…

Update on Christmas resource orders

Drinkaware has received over 12,000 individual orders for our free health promotion resources, like the home measure cup, since 18 November via our website. To put this figure in context, we received 4,342 online orders in all of 2019. While…

Research Focus: Families, Alcohol and Covid-19

Increase in household tension, managing anxiety alongside new rules, and the need to ‘cheer up’, all describe Irish households during the first Covid lockdown, as described in our research Barometer (Behaviour & Attitudes 2020) conducted in April and May of…