Research Focus: Families, Alcohol and Covid-19

Increase in household tension, managing anxiety alongside new rules, and the need to ‘cheer up’, all describe Irish households during the first Covid lockdown, as described in our research Barometer (Behaviour & Attitudes 2020) conducted in April and May of…

Drinkaware publishes 2019 Annual Report and Financial Statements

2019 was a busy year for our small but dedicated team. But it’s safe to say, we made significant progress throughout the first of our new three-year Strategic Plan 2019-2021. As the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2020: Take Action to Reduce Cancer Risk

1 in 10 Irish women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, and the HSE state that alcohol is responsible for 1 in 8 breast cancers in Ireland. This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, take some time to understand alcohol and its impact, and see if you can make…

CEO Comments: The Power and Importance of Empathy in Public Health

When we talk about empathy, we typically discuss it as a cognitive process, an ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and think what they think. But this is only one aspect of empathy. Then there is the all-important compassionate element…