To mark Alcohol Awareness Week, we facilitated our Winter 2021 Research Briefing and were delighted to have lined up two speakers that each delivered presentations focusing on promoting wellbeing through behaviour change. Dr David Comerford, a Behavioural Economist and Senior Lecturer…
Category: Research
Interview with John O’Mahony from Behaviour & Attitudes
It was great to speak with John O’ Mahony, Director in Behaviours and Attitudes, following his keynote presentation in Drinkaware’s Summer 2021 research briefing that took place on Wednesday 14th July: “A year on – Drinking behaviours and attitudes in Ireland in the context…
‘A year on – How Covid-19 has affected behaviours and attitudes towards Alcohol’
Self-reported increase in weekly and binge drinking and increase in intent to drink less. Read on for key findings on behaviours and attitudes towards alcohol a year on from Covid-19. Key Findings: 55% drinking on a weekly basis versus 52%…
Behaviours and attitudes towards alcohol in Ireland in the context of COVID-19. Insights into the process of development and design for Barometer 2021.
In May 2021, B&A undertook the latest in a series of national- population based surveys on adult drinking behaviours and attitudes towards alcohol in Ireland. Our Barometer series commenced pre-COVID in 2017 and allows for exploration of drinking practices over time and how they relate to other practices within…
The crucial role of parents in shaping their children’s attitudes to and use of alcohol
4 minute read. A recurring theme identified in the story of the Maynooth Evaluation of the JC-AEP (and not necessarily something that the research team set out to examine), is that of parents’ and guardians’ role in underage drinking in Ireland. There is a potential role for…
Drinkaware Spring Research briefing: The importance of storytelling in research
To mark the launch of the 3-year independent evaluation of the Junior-Cycle Alcohol Education Programme (JC-AEP), we hosted our Spring 2021 Research Briefing. In 2018, we commissioned Maynooth University to undertake a 3-year independent study to examine the effectiveness, acceptability, and…
MU Evaluation Release
Alcohol education in schools can prevent and intervene in underage drinking Maynooth University’s 3-year longitudinal study shows positive impact for Drinkaware’s Junior Cycle Alcohol Education Programme. This significant study, for the first time, tracks 1st to 3rd year students’ experiences…
Drinkaware Winter Research Briefing: Why don’t we do what we know is good for us?
To mark Alcohol Awareness Week, we hosted our 5th research briefing session in the series with the theme Why don’t we do what we know is good for us? How can we change that? We were delighted to host two speakers – Padraig Walsh, Beahvioural Psychologist and…
Drinkaware urges healthy coping at Christmas as household tensions and home drinking on the rise
Drinkaware, the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse in Ireland, is reporting that high levels of household tension have contributed to an increase in alcohol consumption in households during lockdown, in particular those with younger children. As…