Alcohol Education in Schools


Primary prevention, stopping early alcohol use before it starts, is key and is preferential over intervention. It requires significant changes in attitudes, knowledge and behaviour. All of these can be supported by evidence-informed and effective alcohol education.  

From 2017- early 2023 the Drinkaware team led by the highly experienced Education Programme Manager, Martha Sweeney worked to address underage drinking by empowering teachers and parents to support their students and children to have a better awareness and understanding of the facts regarding alcohol and its related harms. 



Maynooth University Evaluation findings 2020

  • 93% of teachers would recommend the programme to other schools
  • 89% of teachers enjoyed delivering the programme
  • 63% of students in year 3 rated the programme as ‘excellent ‘, ‘very good’ or ‘good’


There is no place for alcohol in childhood. Through the collective efforts of Irish society, from educators and parents to charities and government, we firmly believe we can continue to make a lasting difference to the next generation’s relationship with alcohol. In 2023 our work in delaying the age of first drink will focus on supporting and empowering parents to have conversations with their children regarding alcohol.  

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