How can we help you?

Have a read through our most commonly asked questions below. If you don’t find what you’re looking for there, no problem. Reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help.

  • General FAQs
  • Alcohol FAQs
  • Drinkaware FAQs
  • How to order a measure cup

    Our popular standard drink measure is available to order as part of our two health promotion resource packs, Get the Facts Pack (measure cup, drinks calculator, Alcohol & You booklet) and Parents Pack (as before plus our two parent booklets). Order now


  • How to book an alcohol information workshop for parents

    You can find details about our parent workshops, what’s included and how to book here.

  • How to book workplace wellness workshop

    We offer four different workshops designed for workplaces of all sizes.  Read more in our Workplace Wellness hub.

  • How to quote Drinkaware in the media

    Drinkaware is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse in Ireland.

  • How to send a press query

    Visit our Media Centre for our latest press releases, coverage and press contact details.

  • How to use the Drinkaware logo

    Any organisation that would like to use the Drinkaware logo must obtain prior consent from us by agreeing to a strict set of standards and pay the relevant cost, which will vary depending on usage. Find out more

  • What is a standard drink of alcohol?

    In Ireland, one standard drink contains 10 grams of alcohol. Common examples of one standard drink are a glass of beer (284ml), a small glass of wine (100ml) and a pub measure of spirits (35.5ml). Find out more about standard drinks

  • Is a standard drink the same as a unit?

    No. In Ireland, we measure alcohol using standard drinks (10 grams of alcohol). In the UK, alcohol is measured in units (8 grams of alcohol). Always follow guidance from our Department of Health in Ireland and the HSE. Read more about standard drinks

  • What is binge drinking?

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines binge drinking as the consumption of at least 60 grams or more of pure alcohol – the equivalent of six standard drinks – in one sitting, at least once a week. Find out more about the HSE low-risk weekly alcohol guidelines

  • What is the legal drinking age in Ireland?

    You must be at least 18 years old to buy alcohol in Ireland. If you are under 18 it is an offence to drink alcohol, unless you do so in a private residence and with the express permission of one of your parents or guardians. When you are under 18 it is also an offence to purchase alcohol or pretend you are over 18 in order to buy or drink alcohol. See for full details.

  • Where can I find information on underage drinking for parents?

    Visit our parent hub for comprehensive information about the risks associated with early alcohol use, tips and tools to help parents to start the conversation about alcohol with their children and advice for positive family role modelling at home.

  • When can I drive the morning after drinking alcohol?

    Drinkaware strongly supports official advice from Road Safety Authority and An Garda Síochána that any amount of alcohol impairs a person’s ability to drive. We believe that the only safe advice is to never drink and drive. Read more about drink driving in Ireland

  • Where can I find out about alcohol support services?

    If you are concerned about your drinking or someone else’s drinking, there are a range of support services and helplines available. Visit our Support hub for details of helplines, local and national services. Always call 999 (or 112) if someone is seriously ill, injured or their life is at risk.

  • Can I drink alcohol when pregnant?

    Drinkaware supports official guidance and advice from the HSE that no amount of alcohol at any stage of pregnancy is safe for a baby. Read More

  • How do I make a complaint about an alcohol promotion or advert?

    The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland is responsible for regulating the advertising, promotion and packaging of alcoholic drinks. If you would like to make a related complaint, please see the ASAI website.

  • Is Drinkaware a registered charity?

    Yes. Drinkaware is a registered charity in Ireland with the Charities Regulator. Our Registered Charity Number is 20204601. We are registered with the Companies Registered Office (Company Number: 578361).

  • What does Drinkaware do?

    Drinkaware is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse, governed by an independent board and regulated by the Charities Regulator. We do this through our evidence-informed programmes at community level with the public and online, through secondary school teachers and in workplaces.

    The national research we commission encourages greater understanding of alcohol consumption and its impact. The health promotion resources we provide offer practical ways to drink less or cut out alcohol entirely to protect health and wellbeing. Ultimately, we aim to achieve two ambitious goals – to delay the age of first drink and reduce the number of adults who drink more than the HSE low-risk weekly guidelines. Read more about our work

  • Does Drinkaware pay its board members?

    No. We are governed by a voluntary board of eight directors from the medical, education, business, legal and behaviour change communities who oversee our operations and strategic progress. Our board members do not receive remuneration. Read more about our governance

  • Is Drinkaware part of the HSE?

    Drinkaware is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse in Ireland, governed by an independent board and regulated by the Charities Regulator. While we are not a part of the HSE, we proactively promote HSE health promotion information. This includes guidance on standard drinks, low-risk guidelines and alcohol’s impact on health.

  • Does Drinkaware receive government funding?

    Not currently. Drinkaware is funded predominantly by voluntary donations from the private sector including retailers, producers, distributors. Additional fundraising is secured through our Workplace Wellness Programme and research grants. Read more about our funding

  • Is Drinkaware a lobby group?

    No. Drinkaware is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse in Ireland. However, the nature of our work and in particular our research and demonstrated impact means that all relevant government departments, ministers and committees should be briefed on evidence-informed behaviour change programmes that are addressing alcohol misuse and harm in Ireland.

    Our role is to support the implementation of policy that supports delivery of our mission. The impact of our work is contributing to the achievement of national and international policy goals including the Healthy Ireland goal for alcohol and UN Sustainable Development Goals for health and wellbeing.

    In the interests of transparency Drinkaware is registered with the Register of Lobbyists. The AAFI made three returns were made to the Lobbying Register in 2019, all of which related to information-sharing only. Read more about what we do

Contact Us

13 Adelaide Road
Dublin 2
D02 P950

01 443 1151

Visit our Media Centre here

Logo queries
You can find details about using the Drinkaware logo here.

Alcohol support
Please visit our Support hub for national, regional and local support services.

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